2025 Florida Senior Games, December Dates and Location To Be Determined

Schedule and Location
A December 2025 date and location is to be determined.

Tentative Daily Schedule of Events
8:00 a.m. – Competition begins with Free Throw Shooting, to be followed by Spot Field Goal Shooting and Timed Field Goal Shooting

Free Throw Shooting – BK015
Spot Field Goal Shooting – BK016
Timed Field Goal Shooting – BK017

Florida Senior Games Qualifying Rules
The top 5 finishers in each age group at Florida Senior Games Qualifier site will qualify for the 2025 Florida Senior Games. Participants that qualify are eligible for all Basketball Shooting events. In addition, all athletes competing in Basketball Shooting events are eligible to form teams and compete in Basketball 3 on 3. (Note: qualifying is only applicable to Florida residents).

Entry Requirements
1.  Basketball Shooting entry fee is $20 for the first event and $5 for each additional event for Florida residents (Non-qualified Florida Resident athletes are $10 extra). Entry fee is $30 for first event and $5 for each additional event for non-residents (Non-qualified out-of-state athletes are $15 extra). NO REFUNDS AFTER THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE.

2.  All entries must be received by a date to be determined. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Event Director.  Athletes registering after the registration deadline may be subject to a $10 late fee.

1. Each event will be contested and awarded separately.

2. Competition in Free Throw Shooting will be conducted first, followed by Spot Shooting and Timed Shooting.

3. Competition balls will be provided for the convenience of the participant, but are not required to be utilized. Participants may compete with their own ball. All balls must meet NCAA ball requirements and specifications. Balls are subject to inspection at any time before, during or after competition:

a. The ball shall be spherical. Spherical shall be defined as a round body whose surface at all points is equidistant from the center expect at the approved black rubber ribs (channel and/or seams).
b. The ball’s color shall be Pantone Matching System (PMS) Orange 151, Red-Orange 173 or Brown 1535.
c. The ball shall have a deeply pebbled leather or composite cover.
d. The ball shall have the traditionally shaped eight panels, bonded tightly to the rubber carcass. The eight panels are defined by two channels and/or seams dissecting the ball’s circumference in opposite directions and two panels that when laid flat shall have the shape of a figure eight.
e. The width of the black rubber rib (channels and/or seams) shall not exceed 1/4 inch.
f. When dribbled vertically, without rotation, the ball shall return directly to the dribbler’s hand.
g. The air pressure that will give the required reaction shall be stamped on the ball. The ball shall be inflated to an air pressure such that when it is dropped to the playing surface from a height of 6 feet measured to the bottom of the ball, it will rebound to a height, measured to the top of the ball of:
*(Men) Not less than 49 inches when it strikes its least resilient spot nor more than 54 inches when it strikes its most resilient spot.
*(Women) Not less than 51 inches when it strikes its least resilient spot nor more than 56 inches when it strikes its most resilient spot.
*(Men) The circumference of the ball shall be within a maximum of 30 inches and a minimum of 29½ inches.
*(Women) The circumference of the ball shall be within a maximum of 29 inches and a minimum of 28½ inches.
*(Men) The weight of the ball shall not be less than 20 ounces nor more than 22 ounces.
*(Women) The weight of the ball shall not be less than 18 ounces nor more than 20 ounces.

4. Fourth place ribbons will be awarded in addition to Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for Florida residents. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to top overall athletes if non-residents are in contention for medals.

Sport Rules
Each event will be conducted in accordance with Florida Senior Games Rules of Competition.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the 2023 Florida Senior Games Rule Book.

Hotel Information
Hotel information is forthcoming.

Registration information for the 2025 Florida Senior Games will be available by September 1, 2025.

FSF Staff Contact
To contact the FSF staff please send an email to games@playinflorida.com.

State Director