2024 Florida Senior Games, December, 2-15, Florida's Sports Coast/Pasco County

Schedule and Location
20K and 40K Road Races

Saturday, December 14
San Antonio Elementary School
32416 Darby Road
Dade City, FL 33525

CLICK HERE for a course map of the 20K/40K Road Race. The Red Pin is the start finish line on Darby Road.

5K and 10K Time Trials
Sunday, December 8, 2024

Florida Polytechnic University
4700 Research Way
Lakeland, FL 33805

Start and Parking Information
Florida Polytechnic University: 4700 Research Way Lakeland, FL 33805 (Time Trial start is location outside of the actual campus; the exact start location and parking area is below)
Parking: On Research Way near the west junction of Research Way and University Blvd. This is just west of western entrance to Florida Polytechnic University. Parking is free.
Overflow Parking: Southern parking lots #6 and #8 on the Southern end of Florida Polytechnic University on Research Way

CLICK HERE for a 5K Course Map and CLICK HERE for the 10K Course Map

All event times, locations, and courses are subject to change.

5K Time Trials – CY021
10K Time Trials – CY022
5K Time Trials Recumbent – CYR01
10K Time Trials Recumbent – CYR02
5K Time Trials Enclosed Recumbent – CYM01
10K Time Trials Enclosed Recumbent– CYM02

Florida Senior Games Qualifying Rules
OPEN – No qualification necessary. Please support the upcoming cycling events at the Local Senior Games level.

Entry Requirements
1.  Cycling entry fee is $40 for the first event and $10 for each additional event for Florida residents (Non-qualified Florida resident athletes are $10 extra). Entry fee is $50 for the first event and $10 for each additional event for non-residents (Non-qualified out-of-state athletes are $15 extra). NO REFUNDS.
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2.  All entries must be received by November 11, 2024. Athletes registering after the November, 2024 deadline may be subject to a $10 late fee.

3.  Cyclists must provide their own bicycles and helmets.

4.  All bicycles must be certified by race officials prior to the competition.

1.  Starting times for the time trials will be at equal intervals, usually one minute, but no less than thirty seconds. No allowances will be made for mishaps, mechanical or otherwise.

2.  Starting order for the time trials will be from youngest to oldest starting with males and ending with females.

3.  Time Trials Enclosed Recumbent divisions will begin prior to the youngest male rider of the standard Time Trials. Starting order will be from youngest to oldest.

4.  Time Trials Recumbent divisions will begin following the oldest female rider of the standard Time Trials. Starting order will be from youngest to oldest starting with males and ending with females.

5. Recumbent bikes and trikes are prohibited in the road race competitions.

6.  If a rider appears later than the appointed starting time, the start will be allowed only to the extent that in the judgment of the officials it does not interfere with other riders starting on schedule. If it does interfere, the rider may be further delayed. In case of a late start, the appointed starting time shall be used in computing results.

7.  The start sheet with the starting order and appointed starting times will be available for the rider’s perusal at least one hour before the start of each event.

8.  The road races will be a staggered start by age divisions, youngest male divisions to oldest female divisions. The Event Director reserves the right to combine divisions as necessary.

9.  The Time Trials will be held on a 5K and 10K out and back road course.

10.  Fourth place ribbons will be awarded in addition to Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for Florida residents. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to top overall athletes, if non-residents are in contention for medals.

Sports Rules
1.  All cycling events will be conducted in accordance with U.S. Cycling Federation (USCF) rules, except as modified herein.

2.  Helmets are mandatory (CPSC, ANSI, or SNELL approved with sticker affixed).

3.  Multi-gear (free wheel) bikes with front and rear brakes are required. Fixed gear and recumbent bicycles are not permitted. Recumbent bicycles may only race within the 5K and 10K Time Trials Recumbent Bicycle Division. All bicycles must be certified by race officials prior to the competition.

4.  There may be no protective shield, faring, or other device on any part of the bicycle (including, but not limited to, the frame, wheels, handlebars, chainwheel or accessories) that has the effect of reducing air resistance, except those allowed by the USCF. Bicycles with such modifications can be approved to participate in the 5K and 10K Time Trials Enclosed Recumbent Bicycle Divisions ONLY. Motors are not permitted in any classification.

5.  If in doubt about your qualification, check for an official ruling from the chief referee before your appointed starting time. Once the clock begins, your time is running and will not be adjusted.

6.  In time trial events, the rider shall be held by an official at the start, but shall be neither restrained nor pushed.

7.  Riders must stay to the right except when overtaking another rider. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

8.  In time trial events, no rider shall take pace behind another rider closer than 25 meters (80 feet) ahead, or two meters (seven feet) to the side. A rider who is observed taking pace shall receive a time penalty.

9.  No restarts are permitted.

CLICK HERE for a copy of the 2023 Florida Senior Games Rule Book.

National Senior Games Qualifing Rules
2024 is a qualifying year for the 2025 National Senior Games, to be held July 24-August 4, in Des Moines, Iowa.

For 2025, Recumbent Two Wheel and Trike Time Trials (Non-Fairing) will be classified as “Open” events. Athletes do not need to qualify for Recumbent Time Trials at a 2024 state qualifier. Recumbent bikes and trikes are prohibited in the road race competitions.
2. For our qualifying Cycling events, all first-, second-, third- and fourth-place winners at a 2024 NSGA qualifying games will qualify for the 2025 National Senior Games.
3. Athletes who reside in a state that does not offer a 20K or 40K Cycling road race may qualify for those events by meeting the “limited” event qualifying criteria in Rule D.
4. Qualifying events must be conducted under the rules for the appropriate event to be used for qualifying. States may conduct a “combined” event, but competitors may not compete in both events when events are combined. Those wishing to collect awards in the 5K or 20K must stop after that portion of the event is complete.
5. Qualifying event must be a stand-alone road race that is not combined with another event (i.e. duathlon, or triathlon).
6. Cyclists qualifying in either the 5K or 10K time trials may enter both time trial events.
7. Cyclists qualifying in either the 20K or 40K road races at a qualifying games may enter both road race events.

Hotel Information
CLICK HERE for Time Trials Hotel information.

CLICK HERE for Road Race Hotel Information.

CLICK HERE to Register.


FSF Staff Contact
OJ Hill
(850) 577-7207 or ojhill@playinflorida.com

State Director
5K/10K Time Trials
Steven Perezluha

20K/40K Road Races
Tim Molyneaux

CLICK HERE for a Florida’s Sports Coast Destination Guide.