2025 Florida Senior Games, December Dates and Location To Be Determined

Schedule and Location
Date TBA

Location TBA

Florida Senior Games Qualifying Rules
OPEN – no qualification is necessary

Entry Requirements

1.  The tournament will be played using a six-card kitty format (standard card deck of 52 cards plus 2 jokers).
2.  First diamond determines the dealer for each round.
3.  Bidding will be progressive. In other words, a downtown/low trump bid cannot take out an uptown/high trump bid of the same number. Only a no-trump bid can take out a uptown or downtown bid of the same number.
4.  The tournament will be played in two halves (preliminary and play offs).
5.  In the preliminary half, each team will play 5 rounds consisting of 4 hands each. Teams will rotate to another playing table at the end each round, as directed by the Tournament Moderator.
6.  A score sheet must be maintained by a designated player at each table.
7.  Points will be awarded for each hand played and then totaled at the end of each round.
8.  Scoring hierarchy will be based on total rounds won and then total points.
9.  Total scores for the preliminary rounds will determine the teams qualifying for the play offs. Teams not meeting or bettering the cutoff results will not move forward to the playoffs.
10.  During the playoffs only one round of 4 hands will be played to determine the final winners.

Sport Rules
Click here to access the championship’s rules.

Hotel information for the bid whist competition is forthcoming.

Registration for the 2020 Florida Senior Games is forthcoming.


FSF Staff Contact
OJ Hill
(850) 577-7207 or ojhill@playinflorida.com

State Director
Lucina Pete

Jason Hendrix
(850) 577-7201 or jhendrix@playinflorida.com

Nick Gandy
(850) 322-3404 or media@playinflorida.com