2025 Florida Senior Games, December Dates and Location To Be Determined

Schedule and Location
A December, 2025 date and location is to be determined.

Singles – BW018
Doubles – BW019
Mixed Doubles – BW020
Non-Ambulatory Singles – BW021
Non-Ambulatory Doubles– BW022
Non-Ambulatory Mixed Doubles – BW023

Tentative Daily Schedule
Day One
1:00 p.m.: Men’s and Women’s Doubles
4:00 p.m.: Mixed Doubles

Day Two
10:00 a.m.: Men’s and Women’s Singles
2:00 p.m.: Team Bowling

Florida Senior Games Qualifying Rules
The top 5 in each age group at a 2025 Florida Senior Games Series Qualifier will qualify for the 2025 Florida Senior Games. Participants that qualify in one event are eligible for all Bowling events. (Note: qualifying is only applicable to residents. Non-Ambulatory events do not require qualifying.

Entry Requirements
1.  Bowling entry fee is $30 for the first event and $12 for each additional event for individual and doubles events for Florida residents (Non-qualified Florida resident athletes are $10 extra). Entry fee is $40 for the first event and $12 for each additional event for non-residents (Non-qualified out-of-state athletes are $15 extra). NO REFUNDS AFTER THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE. Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles competitors must complete an Individual Entry Form and Waiver of Liability for each bowler.

2.  All entries must be received by a date to be determined. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Event Director.  Athletes registering after the registration deadline date may be subject to a $10 late fee.

3.  Athletes may compete with only one partner per event.

4.  Competitors are encouraged to provide their own bowling balls and shoes. House balls and shoes may be available at the competitor’s expense.

5.  All equipment shall meet USBC specifications. The Florida Senior Games reserves the right to inspect equipment.

6.  Doubles partners must be of the same gender. Mixed doubles will be one male and one female bowler.

7.  The age division of competition for Doubles and Mixed Doubles will be determined by the younger age of the two partners.

8.  Doubles and Mixed Doubles entrants must enter their partner’s name under the column labeled “Partners”.

Partner Finder
While the Florida Senior Games offers a “Partner Finder,” service for those in need of a doubles or team partner, It is the responsibility of the athlete to make contact with other athletes. FSG will not put together teams or form partnerships. Florida Senior Games staff and sport directors will not assign partners at the Games.

CLICK HERE to post your entry. By posting the entry, you are agreeing that your information will be shared with other athletes, captains, and/or coaches.

CLICK HERE to see a listing of potential partners and teams. Once you have found a team/partner, please email kpendleton@playinflorida.com to remove your name from the list.”

1.  Tournament will be based on scratch scores.

2.  Bowlers will be placed in divisions by age and gender.

3.  Bowling times and lanes will be assigned by the Event Director.

4.  Bowlers will bowl three games. Winners are determined by total pins over three games (same lane).

5.  If there is a tie between any of the top 3 places, a one-game playoff will be held to determine which player receives the higher medal.

6.  For 4th place through 8th place, ties will be broken by the number of strikes bowled. If the score is still tied, the number of spares will decide the winner.

7.  There will be no tie-breaker for 7th place and below. Both competitors will receive the same place and the next place will be left open.

8.  Fourth place ribbons will be awarded in addition to Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for Florida residents. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to top overall athletes, if non-residents are in contention for medals.

Sports Rules
1.  This tournament will be conducted in accordance with the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) rules, except as modified herein.

2.  All equipment shall meet USBC specifications. The Event Director reserves the right to check equipment at any time.

3.  For Non-Ambulatory events, the athlete must be seated in their wheelchair or scooter for the entire duration of competition.

4.  For Non-Ambulatory events, an athlete must physically roll the ball or with the use of a ramp, as long as no one else or the chair itself helps project the ball down the lane. The athlete must be the one who impacts the energy needed for the ball to move down the lane.

CLICK HERE for a copy of the 2023 Florida Senior Games Rule Book.

National Senior Games Qualifying Rules
2025 IS NOT a qualifying year for the 2027 National Senior Games.

Hotel information is forthcoming.

Registration information is forthcoming.

State Directors

FSF Staff Contact
To contact the FSF staff please send an email to games@playinflorida.com.

Nick Gandy
(850) 322-3404 or media@playinflorida.com