2025 Florida Senior Games, December Dates and Location To Be Determined

Schedule and Location
December, 2025 dates and location are to be determined.

Tentative Daily Schedule
Day One
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.: Check In
10:00 a.m.: Competition begins with the following schedule. Last event to begin at approximately 1:30 p.m.
– 100 yard butterfly
– 200 yard freestyle
– 50 yard breaststroke
– 100 yard backstroke
– 400 yard IM
– 100 yard breast stroke
– 200 yard back stroke
– 100 yard IM
– 200 yard freestyle relay

Day Two
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.: Check In
10:00 a.m.: Competition begins with the following schedule. Last event to begin at approximately 2:00 p.m.
– 50 yard freestyle
– 200 yard butterfly
– 50 yard backstroke
– 200 yard IM
– 50 yard butterfly
– 100 yard freestyle
– 200 yard breast stroke
– 500 yard Freestyle
– 200 yard medley relay
Schedule subject to change

*50-yard Backstroke – SW036
*100-yard Backstroke – SW037
*200-yard Backstroke – SW038
*50-yard Breaststroke – SW039
*100-yard Breaststroke – SW040
*200-yard Breaststroke – SW049
*50-yard Butterfly – SW041
*100-yard Butterfly – SW042
*200-yard Butterfly – SW043
*50-yard Freestyle – SW044
*100-yard Freestyle – SW045
*200-yard Freestyle – SW046
*200-yard Freestyle Relay – On-site Only
*500-yard Freestyle – SW048
*100-yard Individual Medley – SW053
*200-yard Individual Medley – SW050
*200-yard Medley Relay – On-site Only
*400yard Individual Medley – SW052

Florida Senior Games Qualifying Rules
The top 5 in each age group at a 2025 Florida Senior Games Series Qualifier will qualify for the 2025 Florida Senior Games. Participants that qualify for one Swimming event at a Florida Local Senior Games Qualifier are eligible for all Swimming events at the 2025 Florida Senior Games. (Note: qualifying is only applicable to Florida residents).

Entry Requirements
1.  Swimming entry fee is $30 for the first event and $5 for each additional event for Florida residents who qualified in a Florida Local Senior Games qualifier. Entry fee is $40 for the first event and $5 for each additional event for non-residents.

2.  Relay events are open to all athletes registered for swimming and are not subject to additional entry fees. Relay teams may only register on-site during designated time above.

3.  All entries must be received by a date to be determined. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Event Director.  Athletes registering after the deadline may be subject to a $10 late fee. NO REFUNDS AFTER THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE.

4.  Swimmers must note their qualifying time from their Local Senior Games in the section labeled “Other” on the individual entry form. Entries will not be accepted without a qualifying time for each event. Non-residents who have not competed at a Local Senior Games should enter their best time this season in this section.

5.  Swimmers may enter a maximum of six events, not including relays.

6.  Swimmers must provide their own suits, caps, goggles, towels, etc.

All swimming events will be timed finals.

1. Warm-up time will be available.

2.  Events will be held in a 25-yard heated pool. Warm-up lanes will be provided.

3.  Fourth place ribbons will be awarded in addition to Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.

Sports Rules
1.  This meet will be conducted in accordance with United States Masters Swimming (USMS) rules. The major points of the rules include:

a. Starts: The forward start may be taken from the starting blocks, the pool deck or a push from the wall. The Backstroke start is taken from the wall. A false start will result in disqualification.

b. Turns: The Breaststroke and Butterfly turns must be done with both hands touching the wall simultaneously. The Backstroke and Freestyle events require some part of the body to touch the wall.

c. Backstroke: Standing in or on the gutter, placing the toes above the lip of the gutter, or bending the toes over the lip of the gutter before or after the start is prohibited. During the turn the shoulders may be turned past the vertical toward the breast, after which an immediate continuous single arm pull or an immediate continuous simultaneous double arm pull may be used to initiate the turn. Once the body has left the position on the back, any kick or arm pull must be part of the continuous turning action. The swimmer must have returned to a position on the back upon leaving the wall.

d. Breaststroke: Appropriate stroke is required. After the start and after each turn, at any time prior to the first breast stroke kick, a single butterfly (dolphin) kick is permitted, following which, all movements of the legs shall be simultaneous and in the same horizontal plane without alternating movement.

e. Butterfly: The appropriate stroke is required. The whip kick or the dolphin kick may be used exclusively or interchangeably while doing the Butterfly.

f. Freestyle: Swimmers must touch the wall at each turn and at the finish. Any stroke may be used and swimmers may switch strokes whenever they wish, except that in an individual medley event, freestyle means any stroke other than butterfly, breaststroke or backstroke.

g. Individual Medley: The order of strokes in the Individual Medley is Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Freestyle. Rules for the individual strokes govern strokes and turns.

h. General: Any swimmer who uses improper methods in order to obtain an advantage over his/her competition will be disqualified from that event.

2.  Relay age divisions will be determined by the age of the youngest team member as of December 31 of the competition year.

3.  All swimsuits must conform with USMS Code of Regulations and Rules of Competition.

CLICK HERE for a copy of the 2023 Florida Senior Games Rule Book.

National Senior Games Qualifying Rules
2025 IS NOT a qualifying year for the 2027 National Senior Games.

Hotel information is forthcoming.

Registration information for the 2025 Florida Senior Games will be available by September 1, 2025.

FSF Staff Contact
To contact the FSF staff please send an email to games@playinflorida.com.

State Director
Ajene Snow
(727) 623-6648